Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Legos on ice!

I'm not a big consumer of ice. I typically don't drink soda, and even when I do I find that my refrigerator does a decent enough job of cooling my beverage because, well it refrigerates. I find ice annoying and impolite because of the following;
First off ice has the nasty habit of stinging my upper lip when I go to take a drink. It pushes its way to the front of the glass and tries to bully its way into your mouth, smashing into it with its frosty brawn! Secondly, it's Arctic capacity is such that it cools the refreshment to the point that it hurts the teeth! It's frostbolts of pain shoots through my skull like a thousand needles and show no mercy to the parched party. The final and desperate act of the doomed ice is to dilute the very beverage that you are enjoying! Does it's rudeness know no bounds!? to pollute the refreshment, to throw off the balance of it's perfectly measured qualities is abhorrent! Thus, I chose not to use ice and instead trust my refrigerator to do what it was made for, what it was named for, and keep the temperature of my liquids chilled.

If however I felt that my refrigerator was not holding up to its end of the bargain and that my drink needed a cooling supplement I would form my glacial foe in this! This product is genius! A impish grin appears on my face when I think of the possibilities...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's no wonder you played a fire mage...